Saturday, February 7, 2009

Release of Dr. Qadir Khan

The Hero of our Nation!. I wish we could be proud of him but not to throw him in Jail. Come on can we not even stand for our heros? That's really selfish side of us.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

British pushes for Nato role in Pakistan

NATO just got bigger, as the New president Obama, sends more forces in the Areas of Afghanistan. As well as British government pushes, more to do more, to co-operate with Pakistani forces fighting along its border with Afghanistan. And to what? Yes! of course to secure current Pakistani DEMOCRATIC government. Further training from foreign soldiers and equipments ( Guns and Tanks etc) to Pakistan's allied forces could also be provided, as if they needed.
Pakistan's current government is unable to keep peace at the borders and outside the country and constantly sucking balls of western governments.
I would suggest to the current Democratic government to push these foreign forces out of this Islamic country to restore peace and harmony and put a sign board that"The war is unwinning. Go Home NATO".

It was Musharraf who brought this blood bath into this country and the current government seems has no trouble with it. We are killing our own, by using our own forces. The forces who were trained to protect this nation are shooting their own.
70,000 troops are going no where but to clear Northern parts of Pakistan. There is 100% involvement of these troops into Pakistan, no matter what they say. But what has gone wrong with our leaders? They just can't get it. We have always tried to please Western governments, and displease our own. Why don't we try a different approach this time. Stop this war and listen to our own people instead of walking over their emotions every time.
Destroy That Which Destroys You!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Can we stand a Gaza-like blitz? Dawn Newspaper

CAN a Pakistani city stand a Gaza-like blitz by an enemy for 24 hours much less three weeks at a stretch? Do we as a people have the pluck and the nerve the 1.5 million Gazans demonstrated, packed as they are in a strip of land at best six miles deep at its widest and 24 miles long?

They suffered 1,300 dead, which comes to less than 0.1 per cent of the population. Estimating the population of the nation’s biggest city to be a minimum of 10 million, Karachi could be asked to handle over 8,000 dead, with twice that many injured, besides colossal destruction if an enemy pours its fire at the level done by Israel. I pray to God such a day never arrives, but are the medical services in our big cities — Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi-Islamabad — equipped with men and material and hospital space to handle a humanitarian disaster of such magnitude?

Mind you, Gaza has been under an Israeli blockade for the last 18 months. The ‘disengagement’ fraud perpetrated on the world by Ariel Sharon in August 2005 left Gaza’s land, air and sea exits in Zionist control. Besides, in his infinite wisdom Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak keeps the Rafah crossing, Gaza’s only link with an Arab country, closed. Food and medical sup plies even in ‘normal’ times are below the minimum requirement; during the 22-day blitz all supplies ceased as Israeli artillery and air force rained phosphorus bombs and depleted uranium on homes, hospitals, schools, mosque, refugee camps, UN relief centres and on the tunnels which are Gaza’s life line.

Yet, hats off to the Palestinian men, women and children! There was no panic, there was no looting of the available stuff in such shops as were there, and volunteers joined medical services in helping the victims buried under tonnes of rubble, dying, shrieking and writhing in agony.

Pakistani cities are well stocked with food. You only have to go through our bazaars and shopping centres to see that they are overflowing with edibles and goods and imported stuff of all sorts. Are we sure that in times of emergency these goods will still be available and not buried and stashed away from those who would need them?

The Bengal famine during the Raj killed millions of people. Who was to blame? In Blood Brothers, his autobiography in novel form, M.J. Akbar writes a dialogue that takes place between the ‘natives’ and the British officers of a given company. The natives, Hindus and Muslims, blame the British, holding them responsible for the death from starvation of millions of their countrymen.

What the Britons said can be paraphrased like this: was the rice crop this year less than usu al? No. Was there a sudden increase in the number of mouths demanding rice? No. All that took place was an air raid by the Japanese on Calcutta, and suddenly rice disappears. Before the air raid, rice was selling for three rupees a maund; it went up to five rupees, then 10, then 20 then 100 rupees a maund. Who was responsible? Not the British, for it is the Indian traders and Marwaris and the seths who hid the rice stocks and made their compatriots die in millions.

There is no doubt the British had a point, for the South Asians have this inhuman streak in them. What was the relationship between Benazir’s assassination and the disappearance of wheat flour? Benazir is murdered, presumably by Baitullah Mehsud’s men in Rawalpindi, and wheat flour disappears from markets in Quetta and Karachi and Peshawar. And then for months, when flour is finally available, it is of poor quality with a lot of rotten stuff mixed in, and the price is raised.

As a citizen and journalist who has lived through Karachi’s orgy of mob violence, gun battles, religious frenzy and arson for decades, I have noticed that in such crises as bomb blasts or even a minor inconvenience like rain our people add to the crisis instead of trying to mitigate it. Barriers go up at gas stations, transport disappears, restaurants close early, car owners are desperate to reach home as if war has broken out, they create traffic jams and, as divine justice would have it, get trapped themselves.

Decades of ‘training’ have given our people a mob psychology. They do not have the mental make-up of a nation united in spirit and action. In times of crisis even the behaviour of the educated is irrational. This is a serious reflection on the kind of philosophy preached by most political parties. The politicians have seldom preached tolerance and restraint. They have not taught us discipline; instead they have inculcated in us the virtues of learning the art of wheel-jam strikes, stoning and arson. Cartoons are published in Denmark, and 200 vehicles go up in flames in Lahore, and the Punjab Assembly building is attacked in a manner that it suffers structural damage. Often, the political parties congratulate themselves and the nation for making a nationwide wheel-jam strike a success.

The religious parties could have occupied a moral high ground if they had set a noble example. Instead their sermons and the religious idiom in which they couch their political rhetoric have made the people think such strikes are sacred and that you if destroy and burn and kill you do no harm to yourselves or to humanity. Perhaps they should remember Benjamin Disraeli’s words spoken in the 19th century: “We must educate our masters, the people, or else we would be at the mercy of a mob masquerading as democracy.” ¦ By Muhammad A. Siddique ( Dawn Newspaper)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Troop surge no threat to Pakistan?

"Pakistan's government on Saturday condemned a deadly American air strike on a village in the northwestern tribal region, and a senior Pakistani security official said he was confident that Ayman al-Zawahiri, the No. 2 leader of Al Qaeda and the target of the strike, had not been in the village when it was hit. A pilotless aircraft is believed to have fired missiles on Damadola"

"At least 18 people were killed in a suspected American missile attack in the North Waziristan agency of Pakistan on Friday. It was believed to be the first attack that took place since President Barack Obama took office. Pakistani officials had previously expressed hope that once Obama became president he would stop the attacks."

American President Obama, has planned on deploying 70,000 more troops in Afghanistan. Jan 30:The deployment of additional US troops in Afghanistan is no threat to Pakistan, says the Pentagon.

We are not directly threatened by the first day coalition forces led war in Afghanistan? Every day innocent people are dying by U.S secret planes dropping bombs in Northern Areas where people hardly make living. More troops more planes, more tanks, more ammunition, more secret planes, and more body counts that's what I see on my country's border. More killing of innocent children and families, more people will go homeless and of course more economic instability, that has been going on in around the world, from the first day of this war. My question is was it not the promise made by Bush administration to send troops back home? Or this addition in troops is to restore harmony in Afghanistan and the Northern parts of Pakistan? I doubt it. More troops means more war in and on the borders of Pakistan.

The war is unwinning.

U.S. hides mic to accurately track troops death toll in Iraq.
People miss Saddam Hussein, The damage was not done to Iraq in Saddam's times since the U.S coalition led war. The report in 2006
655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003
It is more than 20 times the estimate of 30,000 civilian deaths that President Bush gave in a speech in December. It is more than 10 times the estimate of roughly 50,000 civilian deaths made by the British-based Iraq Body Count research group.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Iran and its nuclear enrichment

On Obama's presidential inauguration, Obama sent a clear and friendly message to Iran and to its leader Ahamdinjad, that if Iran is ready to unclench its fist, US will extend its hand towards Iran.
In 1950's Iranian nuclear program was started with the help of United States government as part of "Atom for peace". (so now they don't want it and want to put a stop to it, as it threatens US own independence. Be aware The U.S created it, used it and abused it in Hiroshima.The bombs named "little boy" and " Fat boy" killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945. Later Japan surrendered and sign the peace treaty or U.S was planning on dropping more atom bombs on different parts of Japan in coming months.
After the Iranian revolution in 1979. The nuclear enrichment was stopped and later began again after the revolution but with less Western assistance this time.
Pakistan is the first and only known country that has nuclear weapons. Dr. Qadir Khan, who was part of American scientist gave the atom bombs formula to Pakistan. It is also said that Pakistan is the country which later forwarded the formula to Iran.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The quality of your life is the quality of your communication

Have you ever been taunted by someone saying " you shouldn't have said that" . Or normally in an interview you get upset and anxious to answer questions about the job you haven't really done, but wrote in your resume to create a better image on interviewees, but failed to answer it. What you get as a result. No calls or lower pay rate .
As a Muslim, we believe that Allah is the one who does everything and he gave us everything, like brain, heart and the most amazing thing our tongue that does the double job or may be more than what i have came to know so far, It does the talking, which we are going to talk about. It can turn you into a maniac or a sweet heart. I am sure you also have heard from your elders that your tongue can give you a horse to ride or it can put you on a donkey's back. literally it means that how well or how bad do you communicate with others.
Another thing is using Social intelligence to handle ourselves in different situations.
I' ll write more on this to continue this article soon.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pakistan as a country to its people, loosing trust and as an ally loosing friendship.

Pakistan is an ally, buying its economic growth from the U.S but jeopardizing its trust between the people and the government. Northern areas where Pakistani army is engaged in Al Qaida clean up operations, is causing Pakistan to loose face at the cost of nothing? U.S in the other hands has never really stood up for Pakistan specially when it comes to resolving issues like Jammu and Kashmir and as recently seen on 11/26 bombing attacks, Indian government held ISI responsible and threatened Pakistan for war. U.S on the other side wanted Pakistan not to even defend against India, if India hits some of Pakistan's important Business centers and infrastructures, on which the whole country's economic growth depends on.
I would say Pakistan as a country to its people, loosing trust and as an ally loosing friendship.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Political Instability

I have came across a different problem, which is greater damage to the
whole society in Pakistan than any other daily problems that we face
on the street of Karachi or any other parts of our country. Political
instability created by bunch of political parties, creating massive
disturbance among groups and in a mind of a common citizen is causing
fear and insecurity for one self in our country. We are scarred and
trying to escape out of these situations. It is causing hysteria and
people are moving abroad to have better lives(of course the ones who
can afford). The good minds and educated people are usually flying abroad
and without acknowledging the damage being done to this country.